The Messengers
There was a time women were not allowed equal participation in Shetland’s Lerwick Up Helly Aa festival.
This artwork was in response to this and was part of the efforts to bring about change.
Depicted in this digital painting is Gná: Frigg’s messenger Goddess, riding upon her sea and air treading horse Hófvarpnir, accompanied by Odin's ravens Hugin and Munin. The Bifröst glints in the clouds; the rainbow bridge that connects the realms of the Gods with the human. The Æsir send their messengers as a warning:
“Where are your dóttir, son of man? Your silence has been noticed, a messenger of the Gods should not be needed!
If Ivar is honoured, Brunhild and Lagertha should not be disowned!
Have you forgotten those that bore you?
Act, less the Gods should intervene.”
Inked within Gná's skin are Icelandic runes for; hope, peace and prosperity. Upon her shield, interwoven with a dragon, is the symbol of Algiz. The Algiz symbol represents the upper branches of Yggdrasil, the World Tree; connecting the higher canopy realms of the Æsir, Álfheimr and Vanir with that of the humans; Miðgarðr. It is a rune of divine blessing and protection.
In 2020 the Lerwick Up Helly Aa Jarl represented Odin.
Placed at the Market Cross for their finding was this painting, depicting the God’s messengers
highlighting their awareness of the lack of women present in the festival; a festival celebrating Norse mythology.
But where was Frigg?
Wife of Odin; mother of his sons Baldr and Höðr.
Where was Jörð?
Mother of his son Thor.
Where was Rindr?
Mother of his son Váli.
Where was Gríðr?
Mother of his son Víðarr; the son who will avenge his death.
Where was Bestla?
Odin’s own mother; the bark of the World Tree…
On Wednesday 22nd June 2022 the Lerwick Up Helly Aa committee removed gender restrictions meaning that as of 2023 women are now allowed to participate in the festival as equals.
Copies of the painting are available to download for a small fee below - proceeds from which will be donated equally between the Lerwick Up Helly Aa and the Lerwick Junior Up Helly Aa - to continue support for the festivals and their equal inclusion of women in the festivals.